
Docklands Riverside Luxury 3 Bed Apartment

1 People

Upfront payment
Base price
Cleaning Fee
Extra guest fee
Additional Items
Length of Stay Discount
Total payment


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Cancellations are an unavoidable part of travel.

We understand that no matter how much you plan your trip, unexpected events can affect your booking.

At Delta Accommodation, we approach each case with empathy and handle cancellations on a case-by-case basis

to ensure the best possible outcome for our guests. We strive to be as flexible as we can, these are our general cancellation policies.

Within 5 days of check in date - Full payment required

Within 14 days of check in date - 50% payment required

Within 28 days of check in date - 15% payment required

More then 28 days of check in date - Fully refundable

For payments via direct bank transfer, please find details below

Bank name - Starling 

Account name  - Delta Progressive Ltd

Account Number: 71177898

Sort Code: 608371 

Upfront payment
Base price
Cleaning Fee
Extra guest fee
Additional Items
Length of Stay Discount
Total payment